Talk At MAGIC 2020
Do you like to talk? Super! It's not too late to submit a presentation for 2020 - Deadline is Mar 1. Click here to submit now!
Do you not like talking? It's ok...we understand. But, you know - they say exposure is the best way to get over a fear. MAGIC 2020 has a wide array of session times starting at just 10 minutes. What a great way to not only get over your fear of speaking, but show off all that cool stuff you're doing!
You think people won't be interested? Wrong! Our geospatial fandom loves to learn. Whether it's a cool scripting tip or a story where your boss actually listened to you - we want to know how you did it! Sign up now!
Chiefs Win the Super Bowl!
This obviously has nothing to do with MAGIC, but according to our sources*, the 9-state MAGIC region was rooting for the Chiefs and we like maps**. So - thank you.

* Aka quick Google search
** Normally we make our own maps-being professional geospatial practitioners, but this one came from