Symposium Spotlight
Abstract Submission Deadline Extended
to March 2
When: April 23 - 26, 2018
Where: Omaha Doubletree, Omaha, Nebraska
We Know You Work on Incredible Projects Every Day
Please Submit an Abstract to Present to your Peers
MAGIC is made up of people who appreciate each others' work and the sharing of best practices and great ideas as a principle of the MAGIC mission. Education is our core value, whether you are a data developer, a mapmaker, a planner, or a data consumer who uses geospatial information to tell a story. Your story matters to us and we want to hear from you. Please submit an abstract today so that we can build out our program and encourage and support others to join in and experience the most premier educational workshop in MidAmerica.
You can submit presentations up to 20 minutes in length, either technical or non-technical, a user story or a best practice. Will your presentation's audience be best described as novice, intermediate, advanced, or will it appeal be for everyone? What is the most exciting project you have worked on this year? Come tell your story and show us your most compelling geospatial work! And know that you are contributing to a culture of innovation that grows stronger every year because of you.
Will you be attending?
Just a reminder- MAGIC will be held:
April 23-26, 2018
Omaha Doubletree
1616 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE
Best regards,
MidAmerica GIS Consortium